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General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) defines what personal information I, V Chamberlin-Kidd of Essentially Evolving, hold, why and what your rights are. Full details of your rights can be found here at
In order for me to treat you as a core shamanic practitioner, I gather and retain information that you give me before and during a healing session. I only use this information for shamanic treatments and the reason this data is collected is so that I can treat you safely and effectively.
This information is only held on paper and is stored in a locked case. All paper documents are marked private and confidential.
If the Code of Conduct and GPDR document were signed electronically then they are secure within that password-protected program.
All these documents are held for 7 years as is required by my insurance company (address below.) Contact details are also held for 7 years for the same reasons and these are held under a password-protected account on my laptop and phone.
I will NOT share your information with anyone else (other than as required for any legal process.) I will only contact you using the contact preferences you give me in relation to appointment times, shared information following a healing session, and occasionally with special offers or promotions which you can unsubscribe from at any time.
If a client requires access to their notes these can be photographed and sent at any time.
After the 7 years, records will be destroyed by shredding/deletion to protect you. I have also made provision in my will that in the event of my death all records will be shredded/destroyed by my executor.
Insurance held with:
Westminster Indemnity Ltd, WEYMOUTH, DT4 7EA - Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority